Maxwell Dunmore - Psychedelic Painting
Capture the outlandish grace of our Psychedelic Koi Fish painting. Dive into a sea of metallic jade, bronze, and silver hues, where you'll encounter a captivating Koi fish, locking gazes directly with you. Surreal repetitive patterns and bizarre abstract elements fuse with ethereal, otherworldly details, tastefully adorned with shimmering Swarovski crystals. The scene is awash with mysterious moonlight, its luminescence presented with a radioactive glow. #PsychedelicArt #KoiFish #AbstractArt #TrippyArt #EtherealDesign #SwarovskiCrystals #MetallicArt #MoonlightGlow #RadiocativeDesign #PsychedelicDecor
Maxwell Dunmore - Psychedelic Painting